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Interference factors of abnormal signal of radar level gauge

Radar level meter is to measure the transmitting and receiving time interval of signal by transmitting electromagnetic wave to the measured medium, so as to calculate the distance between the antenna and the measured medium surface. However, in daily work, it is often encountered that the signal is abnormal, which is often caused by various interference factors. So, what are the interference factors that affect the normal operation of the radar level gauge signal?

What should I do if the gas flow meter is flooded

There may be the following reasons for the water flow of the gas flowmeter:

1. Improper installation and maintenance of equipment: gas pipeline connections may leak, seals may age or be damaged, and equipment installation locations may be improperly selected.
2, external environmental factors: such as bad weather, sewage plug damage, etc., may also lead to gas flow meter water.

The Application of Radar Level Meters in Industrial Processes

In the dynamic landscape of industrial processes, accurate and reliable level measurement is paramount for ensuring operational efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance. One technology that has significantly contributed to the improvement of level measurement is the Radar Level Meter. This article delves into the applications of radar level meters, exploring their principles, advantages, and diverse use cases across various industries.

What are the maintenance points of gas turbine flowmeter that need attention

Gas turbine flowmeter maintenance points:

Gas turbine flowmeter is a widely used instrument for gas flow measurement. In order to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life, it is necessary to pay attention to the following maintenance points:

Insertion vortex flowmeter detail

Insertion vortex flowmeter detail

1. Overview
The insertion vortex flowmeter is a new flowmeter, which has the characteristics of simple structure, light weight, high precision, good repeatability, sensitive response, easy installation, maintenance and use. It is improved on the basis of vortex flowmeter, not only retains the basic advantages of vortex flowmeter, but also realizes higher measurement accuracy and wider measurement range by using special structural design and signal processing technology. The insertion vortex flowmeter is widely used in petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy and other fields, providing reliable flow measurement solutions for enterprises

Vortex flowmeter advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages of vortex flowmeter:

1, simple structure, firm, easy installation and maintenance, compared with the throttling device to reduce leakage, blockage and freezing phenomenon.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of turbine flowmeter

The advantages of turbine flowmeters mainly include
1. high precision: In all flow meters, turbine flow meters are the most accurate, measuring accuracy between +0.2% and +0.5%.

Detail the precision class of vortex flowmeter

The accuracy level of vortex flowmeters is classified according to different standards.

The commonly used international vortex flowmeter accuracy grade standards are ISO4185 and ISO 6817. Among them, the ISO4185 standard defines the accuracy level as 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5, and the corresponding maximum errors are +0.5%, 1.0%, +1.5%, 2.0% and +2.5%, respectively.
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