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How to choose the right ozone flowmeter?

The selection of ozone flowmeters is a process that needs to consider a number of factors to ensure that the selected products can meet the actual needs and have good performance. Here is a detailed ozone flow meter purchase guide to help you choose the right product and brand:

1. Define measurement requirements

Flow range: First determine the ozone flow range that needs to be measured in order to select the appropriate flowmeter model.
Accuracy requirements: According to the requirements of the measurement accuracy of the application scenario, select the flowmeter with the corresponding accuracy. Generally speaking, the higher the accuracy of the ozone flowmeter, the higher the price is relatively.
Medium characteristics: Understand the characteristics of the measured ozone medium, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, etc., ozone concentration will affect the choice of flowmeter, high concentration of ozone may be corrosive to some materials, so choose a flowmeter suitable for corrosion resistant materials (such as stainless steel, glass, etc.).

2. Understand flowmeter types
Thermal gas mass flowmeter: It is a flow meter designed based on the principle of thermal diffusion. The instrument uses the constant temperature difference method to measure the gas accurately. It has the advantages of small size, high digitization, easy installation, accurate measurement, etc. Range width (greater than 100:1); .
Coriolis mass flowmeter: direct measurement of mass flow, with fast response, strong anti-interference ability and other characteristics. Suitable for applications where the amount of ozone needs to be precisely controlled.
Other types: such as float flowmeter, vortex flowmeter, etc., also have their own characteristics and scope of application, can be selected according to specific needs.

3. Installation and maintenance
The installation environment will affect the choice of flowmeter. The installation method of the ozone flowmeter (horizontal, vertical or specific direction) may affect its measurement accuracy and service life, but also consider the humidity, dust and corrosive gases in the installation environment. Environments with high humidity or corrosive gases can adversely affect the flow meter's performance and may require the use of flowmeters with shields or protective features.

4. Data output and monitoring
Analog and digital signals: Modern ozone flowmeters usually support a variety of signal output forms, including analog signals (such as 4-20mA) and digital signals (such as Modbus, HART, etc.). If flow data needs to be integrated into an automatic control system, it is critical to select a flowmeter with the right data output interface.
Remote monitoring: If your system requires remote monitoring, choose a flow meter with wireless or wired communication capabilities to help with real-time monitoring and data analysis.

If you want to know more about the flow meter or flow meter selection, please consult the Aister flow meter manufacturer email: for help.
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