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How to choose the probe position of ultrasonic flowmeter?

When installing the ultrasonic flow meter, it is necessary to determine the installation position first, so that the ultrasonic flow can be better measured. Today, flowmeter manufacturer Aister meter mainly makes the following explanation for the probe position selection of ultrasonic flowmeter, everyone remember to collect.

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1, avoid the installation of the machine in the water pump, high-power radio, frequency conversion, that is, there is strong magnetic field and vibration interference;

2, select the pipe should be uniform and dense, easy to ultrasonic transmission of the pipe segment;

3. To have a long enough straight pipe section, the upstream straight pipe section of the installation point must be greater than 10D, and the downstream must be greater than 5D;

4, the installation point upstream distance from the pump should be 30D;

5, fluid should fill the pipe.


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