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Digital 24VDC Steam Vortex Air Flowmeter 4-20mA Hydrogen LPG Propane Gas Flow Meter

Vortex flowmeter is mainly used to set up a vortex generating body (resistance fluid) in the fluid, from both sides of the vortex generating body alternately to produce regular vortices, to measure the flow of fluid, vortex flowmeter is mainly used for industrial pipeline fluid flow measurement, such as gas, liquid, steam and other media. It is characterized by small pressure loss, large range, high accuracy, and is almost not affected by fluid density, pressure, temperature, viscosity and other parameters when measuring volume flow under working conditions. In daily use, the output signal may be unstable, causing this phenomenon to be excluded from the following points:

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1) There is a strong electrical interference signal


2) The sensor is stained or damp, and the sensitivity is reduced


3) The sensor sensitivity is too high


4) The sensor is damaged or the lead is in poor contact


5) Two-phase flow or pulsating flow occurs


6) The effect of pipeline vibration


7) The process is unstable


8) The sensor is installed with different cores or gaskets convex into the tube


9) Upstream and downstream valve disturbance


10) Fluid does not fill the pipe


11) The generating body has entwines


12) Cavitation phenomenon exists


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